Leftover pad thai sizzling and popping in the microwave. *interrupts daydream with electronic beeping* The passage of time in slow ticks on the timer. Everything electronic; for which we are entirely dependent. Rainbow christmas lights hang lazily from the random hooks installed some time before now, prior to moving date and with forgotten purpose. One plug shared with the dusty A/C unit. The other strand shared with television that is actually hooked up rather than an ignored decoration in the darkest corner of a room. Images of foreign places flash over the screen, revealing an ancient world diminishing, the lost corners of remaining wildlife in full technicolor, scenic portrayal. Small creatures running through life with tried and true instincts. They behave with motive to survive in an unforgiving world. Kill or be killed in the animal kingdom. No sound comes through the speakers below the screen. This must be heaven or paradise. A night of left-overs. A single remaining hefeweisen in a can. Based on the pace of familial conversation and inebriation, this is inexplicably. So a disguised blessing. Pop it open. Thank you, fortune.
Music plays. The soundtrack of a promising future. Well supported and incredibly grateful.
"Flooded, burnt, baked, and frozen. Grass can withstand it all."