I tend to allow ideas to cultivate themselves and grow naturally,
preferring the wild flower over the domesticated garden.
the colors are more vibrant and rich,
beauty is found in asymmetrical, random design.
open your heart for a little nonsense,
it's healthy.
seek new perspectives, however insane.
it's a bizarre world and dreams don't happen over night.
the flower that blooms and dies simultaneously
under a greenhouse roof
and the negligent care of a geneticist
scientifically crossing strains of DNA
to achieve a contaminated breed
the colors that don't belong together
the thorns never pop through
this specimen would never exist in nature
and if it is allowed to grow up tall
it will seep poison into our precious air
let them grow for god's sake
ideas rooted in belief, planted by conditions
the controlling factors and how much you buy in
but the ice is room temperature
going through a phase change
if you never question your beliefs
you will never know who you are