Receive a tireless vocal lesson in the throngs of curious researching and all of the discoveries for vocal capacity inside the throat. The ability to yell the lyrics that pervade a daily mind without standard voicing.
Read out a wonderful speech in regard to the fragile night. It is lost in the wind like conversation in the midst of a hurricane. I have forgotten everything and the weight of the night has descended upon my stupid frowning figure. I will take my umbrella out and weather the storm. Defenses are certainly strong enough.
4:40 pm
Spend the day detoxing and peeing as clearly as possible. There are so many toxins in my body that have the potential to destroy my well being over time. I'm aware of my demons as they devour me. But today I fight back. I allow myself the footing to move forward on this slippery slope with vacant death in the tired fleshy eyes of those who have given their life to toxins and chemicals. Intoxication is a slave state of bliss. Armies wave confederate flags and yell racial slurs into our bloodstreams.
To find a conversation intoxicating is one thing. To believe yourself original and interesting only when you are drunk is a faulty belief that will eat at your sober well being. To allow an instinctual animal impulse to exude your phrasing after a few cocktails is a healthy severance from reality. Every vice in moderation is healthy for the sake of skirting with disaster, it helps the blood pulse through your veins and it helps your eyes clearly see the surrounding world as a life-filled ambient-lit wonderland of curious development in thought and science constantly blossoming.
Life is gorgeous and death illuminates this fact.