Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13

They say, 'love thy neighbor' but then are too afraid to journey over for a party when they hear loud techno music and a multitude of voices through the halting fence. The wooden fence does not sustain gaps between the boards and the culture shock would be like lightning through the senses. Not quite as damaging as electro-shock therapy where doctors induce convulsions and crazy people with brains on fire begin to act boring and same again. It seems the grid system is not conducive to amicable neighbors with smiles and milk-borrowing, perhaps even spouse-cheating and tire-slashing... the grid system around here is laid out to confuse the outsider and to lull the active inhabitants into a quiet and lonely daze, something like happiness in a day that lasts forever or is repeated until our skin peels off of our bones.. there are trees leaning through and daily disputes as to whom the branches belong at certain times of day when the shadows are cast between property lines and people genuinely care about these things.

We are afraid of rejection so we hide in simple bubbles. We fear the different and unknown, the unpredictable... The party seems to have died, the night silently swallowing another gathering of carefree exuberance... their cries out happiness echo out there somewhere in the glow of cheery constellations. They hang in stoic watch like lighthouses. Our eyes hear enough color to fill every canvas in the nearest art collector's storage unit. They gather dust and so do we. Stars are individual suns and on meteorites traveling through space and time, they offer glorious light at the horizon though our atmosphere surely advances the technicolor clouds to a deeper level of awareness... they know how to portray my thoughts in a pure visual sense.

purple liquid melting our shoes in forecast silence and radio weather reports.
store front windows busted in by a flash riot of color and mobs of bankers run through with burning money on their breath as they burn and consume and burn and consume
and then we say awful things with intent to collide heads like rams or elk or fuck all
they all crash heads against rive bottom and the larger rocks in waterfall hallways
the rivers that separate our species and keep us apart because everyone who has attempted to cross has drowned naked and upside down, all with insult added to injury and then again here we go for writing as quick as possible and in great bulk like a costco card and semi truck and never ending budget or the keys to the place with a technological buddy who can disarm the alarm to silnce authorities, maybe I would work inside the infrastructure to find codes and espionage on the nights without kings and diamonds with blood on wedding rings, we play with words with intent to win and you win lose your consciousness in attempt to follow me where I travel at the speed of 180 beats per minutes with no breaks and pure 8th note sentimentality and the grammar vocab and punctuation don't mean shit outside of a bathroom.. your own mind cannot follow and my future self as audience will never translate these words to anybody because they are self evident and the random creation in of itself is enough to sew many dissenting mouths shut or to shove a leather strap in there while reattaching a missing limb or two with forced certainty that the anatomy works like this but the only thing constant is the pain for the individual laying on that non-operational table with coffee table books strewn about of holiday greetings and family environment to soothe the impatient patients into a sleepless dream.

This is all such a sleepless dream.