Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31

Deflate this air mattress with the weight of my dreams . Quote unquote. Watch the sky rise up through dreary morning mists And all feeling of coffee cup daylight in the midst of dreary mist writing like an act of feelings worshiped and regurgitated opinion, a vessel of life rather than a life vessel, with coins on out dead eyes we devolve unceremoniously into animals less developed. Flight reaction with beer tabs involved, a selection of craft beer with the more evolutionary and the terrible feedback with fantastic appraisal post show with a recording of our own show emailed home into our standard wombs. Sky turns in between shades of blue and grey, feeling stupid and reckless enough to write beautiful music and laugh playfully at the idea of waking up so early and testing the body for full endurance but the body must encounter a lot in order to fully accept bounty for compensation. Did they pay you anything? Expect nothing. Play to pay for beer and make it all seem worth it with bills to pay and negative effects of depressing sets with band lonely money stolen and everything. Moving four words. Sky is a lighter shade of grey. In between everything