The land was cross hatched by a drunken giant who shaved off layers of darker, deep orange-red into thin strips of yellow shallow colored intent. Here there are trees that reach for the sky like criminal gangs surrounded by police squadrons, helicopters circling and spraying their pesticide onto the fields of flowers indiscriminately. They think beauty is better on a tv screen. So they plug the quarter inch cables into their eyes and laugh like big buffoons. They have zero secret desires and they feel like god is a puppet master, they are nothing but a marionette with jerky dance moves on a stage that the devil has no interest in because you are too boring and safe and sane. Take a hang gliding risk and gloriously fall through the sky with no seatbelt to strap you in, no trampoline to cushion your suicide leap, another sordid 'fuck you' and we leave in pieces on the ground, our shattered glass faces and the notorious collapse of every bridge in the world, stranding people on one side or the other, never to be fixed because our electronics cease to work in a flash and we're stranded with our animalistic signs, our American value systems crushed by the weight of dignity and passion. There are no good dreams in this America anymore. Everyone is hateful of themselves and their decisions. There is no love. Let's make something good happen once again. Rouse your spirits or drown in a delirium.
The land was orange and toppled over. We drove through with wide smiles, filling our hearts to capacity with wonderful sensation. Now, the stark constant, the return to the apartment, has wrought horrible negative feelings. We are so sad to exist in this place these days. It never supplies the same glimpses of beauty in a day then driving through southern Utah. We got the fuck out of Vegas because it is an enormous hoax and a gimmick. The weak go there to disappear in an oasis, swallowed up out of the ocean of desert, draining lakes for tourist activity, and no the water is not clean, it is laced with pcp and lsd from the 60's acid explosion. We hated it and left immediately. We now see similarities for the same shambles of intelligence in everything around us. Nothing is sacred unless we make it.
Las Vegas is a crock of shit.