Is it possible to wake these eyes up from such a dark, deep slumber? Those slept through hours of oblivion where my eyes are still attached, dust in the corners, lights sweeps through the plastic, crinkled blinders and we do not have a clear vision, what we have is a strange dichotomy of conservation and prodigious excess, one inspired by science and dreams of a future, the other inspired by god and dreams of afterlife beyond the planet earth. Go to your afterlife but do not take the earth with you.
Back cracks like invetebrate jellyfhis. unaware of potential repetitive stress and pain, hear those eyes flicker like dying star lights and our poetic impulses fade and extinguish too quickly like superficial clotheslnes.
What am I really trying to say?
I hope that I can wake fully from through absent dreams and move through this day beautifully like a new bornghost.