Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jan 9th (late night)

When I think about ten years ago I think about the 1990's.

Feeling of family and a strive to win and to overcome. Emotionally wrenched from situation and realizing that we are witnessing some powerful stuff. Incredible humanity. Spread a message of love and happiness. Kind to others without any expectation and free floating with the world. What will happen will happen and we will prevail regardless. With an effort our spirit will live on in the clouds on a grey day for future generation to rain down creative thoughts on them all. That feeling of sudden inspiration one gets. The light bouncing off a reflective surface. A tranquil moment. The leaves in the wind and the yellow trees against bright blue skies, the bar scene floating up toward the ceiling no matter what and a profound day for emotional tensions. broken meditation to burn up warm and positive feeling to portray a strife that had no purpose. there was no real conflict. energy waste. blow off steam and relieve tension. no reason not to. it's obvious all the friendship remains and the testing of opinions is something new though never too deep or fury sparking. one doesn't much care the outcome, always hoping to neutralize a situation before anything heightens in a negative way and if they do to escape quickly and quietly into the night, to slip away... he speaks in a dark manner sometimes and should much more often hold the tongue and vibe with each situation and feel like at home with the right people, hold on to those warm moments, and feel more than privileged, the moments never could last too long and we held it against ourselves to coexist happily. we are all on this planet. regardless of purpose we should work together because as a huge positive party we could change everything at once. in a collective sweep. no worry what mindset or opinion. I'm there with you my brother. I highly respect your ambitions. Your belief. There is no doubt about that. Despite any differences it's all just in that I can't accept anything specific as absolute truth. I can't subscribe to any one idea. It's all great if you are committed. But I bet there is truth to take home in every single religious idea ever created or heard or passed on or conjured or magically appearing on cliff faces in the high mountains. Every grand idea that collectively could bring happiness to entire communities should be expressed universally. Bring it together. Every belief. Educate the public that everyone has an equal opportunity to enter a heaven or a version of heaven here on earth in happy union. find happiness and contentedness here on earth as you breath and live. the way is to create legacy. or to become a part of a huge social movement. everyone carrying everyone through the deepest confusion and the most uncertain musings of all philosophical history. the mind is huge and on fire. we are not aware of what it means to have that kind of higher calling. but if you feel blessed on your journey, more power to you. with a heart of gold anyway, I couldn't think it would be a bad thing to feel like you always have someone to cover your back in any sense. To lose yourself and believe there is a drive in you powered by someone else when you need the strength. Some grand mental tricks. Athletes use this to form certain confidences in themselves. It is all positive effects for your mind, probably. The type of positive social control that people shouldn't hurt each other about, ever.  It's such a horrifying contradiction to kill or be killed because you disagree about what happens to you after you die. A terrifying conclusion to a life of servitude. There must be truth in all of the doctrines that elicit positive change. Damn it they work! But isn't it possible that we could some other strange tradition at this very moment and call it a religion based on powerful stories regarding the activities of a kind of savior? We could take on a tradition that becomes meaningful in the future stories of people. Why fixate on something that happened so long ago? There are plenty of heartfelt words and phrases, pieces of writing to inspire positivity and virtue but without preaching or a suspended belief or any kind of phrase involved on websites, online personalities and believes and collective derision weird feelings of inconvenient cold on the back of neck, hairs bristling like an alert wolf. it is hard to tell what is real when many believe in unverifiable things. the reason the stories of the past stuck is that there is no possibility to have any photographic evidence to prove or disprove. they could be anything and there are many lunatics who take much of it verbatim as opposed to something more personally meaningful and something to ponder, people still read it and many do now as I type though not enough understand it, I believe, there is a mass misunderstand and the whole world hurts due to it in some form or another. either by fear of falling into a potential mass delusion. logically possible. a tradition of all kinds and a bandwagon of sorts. or by reading and misinterpreting in order to justify actions that can psychologically hurt others. there are no just ways to hide such awful contradiction. but I love you. I hope for the best that you come to a realization about the world. that all is great and beautiful. you are lucky to be breathing and therefore you cannot pretend you are better than another life in the sense of sacredness. everyone is beautiful and present. in the present tense. love everything and it will love you back. it has to. otherwise all is for nothing and the end is lonely and dark.