Have you ever had an obsession? The tunnel vision fixation of your evasive muse. Fogged up windows of cars and bathrooms, throw away the sheets or burn the smell of sexual aggression off of them. Wear strangers clothes. never met the designer. the prototype or the overseas work for cheap, cut up hands on sewing needles and historical accuracy. melting wax and emotional departure from routine, spray paint cans and ID badges required to provide access...
It's easier to leave what you love behind than to be left behind by it. The body recoils and shudders with shivering weakness. Unfortunate for us to have spun this intoxicating web like the silly and strident spiders we are. something to intimidate the others as we invade their dream world of bubble baths and champagne, star gazing on cloudy nights, and only letting go of each others hands when there is only enough room for us to walk single file, so many other intrinsic couples milling about without apparent purpose and it may never become apparent, walk along the edge of this destruction, die in each others arms and find a buzz never before accomplished.