A hangover from sleep alone, off to a bleary start when these eyes are so inflamed by visions of beautiful sunnny Seattle days, hard cased under layers of sea ice melting. fashioned a boat out of found objects though it doesn't float, it was an attempt to paddle across this ocean of sleep and find an awakening that is appropriate and inviting instead of past noon and confusing like some dusty angel had their weight on my chest as I tried to breathe through the night, great helper, she, to find me when I'm most vulnerable. Forget those subtexts, here is pure flowing water, tainted from oil poisoned wells and logging horrors, chopping down the trees to maintain plastic worlds and living expenses for millions of drone armies, just men, men with christian values who must chop down trees older than their settlement in this land in order to raise up a greater number of churches, churches, churches. Temples for war ships. there will be booze and hazards enticing us to sin throughout. these wasted bashful idiots lighting candles at bleeding altars and the mother they have abandoned in order to fund a worship for a false deity. there is no justification for this blasphemy against nature.
Stupid words.
Blurry mind and pained back. feel like I overslept or something. not sure how to resurface from this spinal injury.