There is a fragile balance between cities and nature. Over crowded cities rarely have widespread respect for nature due to a lack of exposure to it. When all you see is a suburban sprawl with sorry, human planted trees lining boardwalks of the elite, it may be difficult to consider the dying rainforests, the gathering trash in the ocean, the littering uncertainties of our species.
I say the world's most powerful nations should band together for a massive trash pick up service. We will all join hands, climb aboard boats, and address the plastic issue. Then we can build a projectile to house all of this trash and shoot it at the sun. Where it will disintegrate and our damage will be a bit less than average that year.
It is not comforting to think that even if we drastically cut back Co2 emissions, our atmosphere is still mapped to warm. All we can do now is try to slow down the results of our collaborative fuck up. The change will happen anyway because the elements are already up there in the air and we are addicted to oil and the burning of fossil fuels. We love the taste in the air on a smoggy day. Red tides with vengeful poisonous jellyfish with styrofoam cups lodged in their watery intestines. They will consume one human body in the shallows at night but it will not be enough.
Where is the black plague when we need it?
Maybe we need a plague of disappearance instead. A person disappears. The disenfranchised get his material possessions in equal proportion.
but Fox news first must die a horrible, violent death for any hope for change to become likely.