Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22

"Are you hungry?" I put all of my rotten eggs in one basket. Barricade you out of my heart and fall into lectures about gothic architecture as part of art history in Paris. The epic west facade of Notre Dame. The fact it is symmetrical, beside the Seine..  I watched part of a vietnam movie, fucked in all its glory, painted some ideas on a canvas for a scenic red leave, bright colored, happy-bright, happy little clouds in the style of Bob Ross but they are not white. I wanted originally to paint detailed red leaves on there and then write obscured poems on top of it all (probably because it matches a color scheme from a painting a year and a half old. And I am the same human being in all years since my birth year.) Write the words out and then paint over many parts of them. Then rewrite some words. Maybe basic gibberish from television news in subtitles. All of that nonsense that ruin peoples brains. All about 'important' political figures evacuating Florida in a panic because of a potential hurricane approaching from the Atlantic. The news called this an 'exodus'. Another channel shows the beating of a homeless mentally ill individual who believes his never-alive son is communicating to him through inanimate objects, 7 police officers surround him and begin to kick him, he persistently hears the disembodied voice of god in the trash can and soon he is transported to the hospital, after a few hours life-support, dies. The cops claim they had no part in it. On the same channel, immediately afterwards is some celebrity dispute. No one killed. Just an argument. They judge us listeners to the extent we have nothing more than pea-sized brains and zero individualism. They are probably right.

That will be the content of words in the painting. Transcribed news media.


tear apart that execution of notes and the pattern of split differences and the solos that differ greatly from the regular intervals and everything in between

I revoke my outcry.

One hundred million literary quotes spilling forth from my mind and my brain.

Discovering the tone possible with a light baby blue strat on a pop rock song with intentions to make it all sound like Muse and the Foo Fighters. Call the shots and swoon over ridiculous music videos. Everything tangled and combined with the excuses of greatest excellence. 


Is it pure stupidity to act out so expressively while containing no recollection of the event? Yes. But the fact those actions were created and halted, 'Is he like this all the time?' on fire perhaps with a certain personality. Making dinner table participants laughs at my will their receptive countenance respecting my desire to be noticed and acknowledge verbally or physically. All demons dispelled evidently.