One of the regarded, infinite wisdom fed through a tiny stray in a slit, considerable resource into the partner outlook. Need to be alone to finish intrinsic writing. What happens here is inspiried by the cross road antagonism. And the weight lifting attitude expressed by the speed racing movies. All of it illiterate to the blind and my back is turned there is no other clarity beyond this compulsion. We all try to impress that same widow though she still tries to go home.
seek clarity back in the dissolution of opinions, finding at e voice, to raise. all quiet trying to summon the perfect memory to convey. Am I too distracted to move my car inside> doubtful. close to contact with the last van finally. in exultation we raise our hands in warning of near party. near explosion of necessary circumstance, you are a leper not to feel in th eair and keep your bad opinions back holstered up with your specific writing columns, post this bolstering obscurity in the boldest fashion. The purest embroidery. All of the colors and fabrics in sync again with the correct musical and cognitive accents exploring ouer regions of mind, the sapping of ideas learned from others with open answers and open out to create wonderful sleeping music, beautiful and active as it is with no vocals I trained myself to counter intuitively react to music in way for sublimation and full assimilation into the cureent situation. Click away from disappearance. We are subject to chance and the motif for me was a call to sleep but the mix is strong with the song from Into It. Over It. because it is interesting that they share a collaboration with old bandmates out of Damiera. I know they made pretty grand music in hidden hospitals for the new track. i meant to oppositely expose the albums.
some drunken babble wound up at the store with the fired trying to be there for him explicitly. Buying things and actually finding the time to smoke a tobacco after a weed. surprised the fifteen foot drive did not kill me and my close friends and rivals. they must remain for competitive, self-improvement purposes. "from the speakers your fake symphony comes serenly dribbling" or some much poetic expression. Now listening to the mix I made and trying to feel empathic emphatic remarks and chides all positive though without demeaning results I realize the beauty now of the songs I expressed. Somehow I did not listen to the whole thing and experience it in a certain matter and I suppose that is the beauty of it. Something simple and lyrical, the song titles sent over. email attempt at close approximation, something of a kindling of a past, be entirely excited to go to dinner and a show together. serenely dribbling.
---- a full day later but somehow not feeling the transition from this block. What I have to say now must be included with the rest of this session of waking. Nightmarish morning, dream of teeth falling out and creatures crawling into ears, burrowing deep and pliers removal alone. Teeth turn yellow, hair falls out, items are shoved beneath fingernails and the sleep is induced even with feet bent up. Something strange and unique in its comfort though never okay to kick the foot out from a friend as they walk by, apprehensively. Fine relationship with the family despite how I must seen detached. Active young man. Attempts to call grandparents and inform them how life is and how proud I am of them. All of the years and still climbing up those martian landscapes, up over those natural fences, the tall hedges, down sunny streets, crossing yellow lights and chainsaw massacre overdubs. The great american western sham but then the image once more of that technical, designer mindset, only irritation is at the fact of the repeated concern without any new offered solution aside from finding a new band.