Psychobabble is defined as prose that uses jargon, buzzwords, and highly esoteric language to give the impression of plausibility through mystification and obfuscation.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
sept 11
fines and fees. parking is $40. everyone looks like a damn clown. calling those classic moments, gimmicks. merch sellers for purchase. what a strange idea! no liquor on stage. no graffiti. no rock and roll. just image and gimmicks in a modern sense. portion us off and limit us. how can we overcome that and do some explosive and memorable shit? pay to play. make it a system of leeching until someone with deep enough pockets can afford the wasted effort. no one knows who they are playing with. the early set time might reduce all of the hype we had for the show to be a full house. 'you never know who might be in the crowd.' the band and the girlfriends. fans. we want fans and a following, generally. making friends with others. using strategy and technology to our advantage though I can't stand the sudden responsibility I have for such work. Become that genius. Learn how it is done quickly then do it. A bunch of gibberish mostly. Bite the tongue and do successful work for the band.