Psychobabble is defined as prose that uses jargon, buzzwords, and highly esoteric language to give the impression of plausibility through mystification and obfuscation.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Sept 16
When it doesn't just happen, when all of the planets don't align, don't force it. This is the way to desolation. Try to fit shapes into other shapes that do not correspond. A chance to make everything perfect and to pour money out. diamonds and jewelry in the dimmed stage lighting. she had ripped up jeans like an animal attacked the back of her. hooker boots. pierced all over her face. sexual. sunglasses inside a dark room. $7 liquor in hand. that two drink minimum means everyone will have to spend at least 30 bucks to exist in there. contemplate the reality of the situation in its entirety. go to college to find yourself. move out of that little bubble. have a threesome and strange grapevine memories burned off. but she was always an ideal based on her distance away. lesbian influences and artistic endeavors. all that similar self-sabotage I'm so used to. 'we have a history' and it's gone.