D # Major Seventh chord is made up of a D# at the root, G at the third, A#/Bb at the fifth, the seventh being a D or C double sharp.
Could be inaccurate but the attempt is solid and eventual mastery is inevitable. Quiz me on the theories, let me warp sonic trends with seeding doubt, a whole confusion of 'I wonder what this can do'. Teach me something unique and I'll counteract that balance with something unique from my own soul. If I can offer up something worthwhile or conjure vivid dreams within all that empty space... then it is all worthwhile. the random theft and the dreamless night sleep. the insecure birthday gift wraps. everything distancing and collateral. determine all roots of vanity in money. call off introspective searches and simply dismiss all future tenses. wear tight blue dresses and act like something you are not. most dumb shits never find anything else to act like. nothing unique about them. i wish to surround myself with only the unique. the strongest and the most active. the craziest and least negligible.
Am I safe?
What happens on my birthday. Anything special?