Thursday, September 15, 2011

sept 15th

If I'm here in isolation. Studying myself into corners of the room where others get to laugh and enjoy passing grades. This new experience is killing me so far. I have been hitting the books hard but apparently not hard enough. I have no friends and still failed my first math test. This makes me question myself harder. Scrutinizing. I have no idea where I am. Where to go. How to relax. Fucking shit. This is my relaxation. After a solid four hours of fucking up my GPA now I'm here writing/ranting. not smiling. not socializing. 'nate shhh you're doing fine' If I were to write out my aggression I would paint fuck you in contrasting colors. white font black background. tasteless. scare off anyone. let it go let it go. need a ride to this show this weekend. loud depressed music. purchased thrice ticket. who knows how the fuck i get there or who with. help me. if I am unhappy. have bad grades. have no important social connections. have no idea how to get to guitar center or any show venue. have no access to the college radio station. etc. that is all proof this transition has been a failure.
astronomy test. missing daniel tosh's underwhelming campus invasion. be jealous you fucks as i sit alone in my room while it happens.

fuck fuck fuck