Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25

Contemplate revealing the information. I feel like it never happened. Something so small and ridiculous. I was to be made an example of. Little did he know I have no one to tell to be careful. Maybe I will call my father to collect my thoughts in order to speak to my worried mother. I'll need to get some tattoos. But hey.

View from balcony. Listen from groups of 'peers' enjoying their newfound freedom of summer. It is hazy to me. I imagine each car that speeds by blasting god awful, substance-less, music is on its way to some debauchery or another. They will rape and kill each other. These are the bigger fish to fry. The biggest fish would be the one that supplies these kids with the hard drugs. The drugs that put substance into that terrible repetitive beat they so enjoy. (1, 2, 3, 4...) Unbelievable I am the one. I am no criminal. These guys have got it all wrong. Scare tactics. (let's all go home, kill ourselves in our radios) About that. Another gig harbor kid down. Jesus. One of the most beautiful small towns in the country. Create such dissonance with so many sad kids and ultimate bullies. The status differences drive these kids to the edge of existence.

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"Hey man is that a Mariner's hat? Sweet."

"Oh this? Yeah. I got it cuz I like the colors. I'm a Yankees fan really."


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"Wondering about my nervous system's limits"