Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Could Not Resist

Didn’t you know that I couldn’t exist? This formatting, as diverse as all others, has an evil hue of hair pulling hours in silent college campus libraries. Coughing and crying ring out in the sustained white noise of thousands of medicated restless leg syndromes. The rhythm of this place is set at academic rigor. There is no time for free-form thought in such an organized set of boundaries. You have agonized and labored in front of this very screen for hours and clench fist hours. Occasional victories that felt much like the discovery by the tongue of an ulcerous cavity on the arrival of a soggy birthday cake on a privileged young lady’s sweet sixteenth. Only fifteen candles dance softly in the afternoon light. One extinguished by a barrage of confused tears….

“I was looking for something to do. Nothing I found could quite occupy me and with nothing to gain you know there’s nothing to lose.”

This testing format that makes my eyes water in the electronic glow. I am not basking. My eyes water cruel onion slicing crocodile tears like the tattoos on faces of weeping gang members when brethren go down in combat. Puddles amass at my feet as if I were an unlucky duckling, crushed beneath the rear axle of a speeding pick up truck down a street with no lamps. The truck carried with it other trucks to level other wild life and leave tire tracks in freshly born flowerbeds, alongside creeks and riverbeds, but never leaving that mark of obvious destructive humanity in the grass of freshly mowed lawns. They paid cheap labor to paint their grass green. Blade by blade. Cheap workers from countries of greater spiritual wealth in the land itself. They are not disillusioned by the value of objects in the eyes of the easily persuaded public. They know the score and laugh and weep that the substance-less rich deny their existence on a level of empathic caricature. Can they not take a joke? They shrivel at the vulgar language of truth and write in small print about the specifics behind all altercations between races in order to attempt a return to repopulate this new homeland security. I’ll trade you my false sense of security for your false teeth, old man on the city bench. May you hide your defecation from an educated public but enter a new sense of anonymity in your ceiling free house. The house of the earth with its cruel twists of fate that leave people crimpled in bitter resignation. Or is it a submissive defeat? That you lost your sponsors and everything crumbled.

You mustn’t always be such a damned defeatist.

I couldn’t resist. You know that. I’m stuck on this track of diversity of experience to sustain. My heart pulls in all directions and I must follow it through the grapevines of wrath and the tree forts of solitude in western hemlocks through gardenia groves in open mass graves through tortuous torture slides in sleight of hand tricks and whistles sound when I exit… There is a desire for the unknown and impossible future to become, at forefront, a catalyst for all present actions. There is a desire for the random swerving and the favorite words of other speakers of action and truth. Let me scream in your face god damn you!