Friday, February 17, 2012

Feb 17

Rations dwindle. Third Friday. Totally empty on my calendar. I dreamed in vivd detail about sleeping through classes today and only realizing as I was getting ready after 2 o clock. This would be my thursday schedule where I have class at 3 but today it's 9:40 - 12:45 or something like that. I had a vision of other people watching tv in my bedroom at home and never stopping to wonder what that would feel like. To watch tv or a movie with someone you truly enjoy. Lay in bed and hold on tight while the world tries to spin us off of each other, in its malice.

Vision of myself laying in bed and drinking beer. Playing guitar loud enough to initiate sound complaints and social relationships. The loudest and the best get laid. I can shake the plates out of your cabinets. The figurines off of your shelves and the coasters and magazines off of your coffee table. Your apartment is not immune to me. You block yourself off if you'd like and subject me to the sounds of your adultery. That's very inconsiderate of you. Likewise, the guitar. It is my only redemption. (lifting weights, muttering about revenge after every rep). I want to learn fall of troy songs or the intro to go your own way by fleetwood mac or some classic zeppelin. christ i should get some guitar books. some stuff to have laying around. scales and chords and a couple classic, difficult songs. Also a piano book with scales and chords. Sit down and play. Learn. Practice. Become good. All of this free time. What will you do with it? Since you are not making friends and that seems unlikely to just all of a sudden start happening... cultivate your talents bro. Let everyone else fuck each other. You are immune to that. Just keep your chin up and learn how to be the best. College is about getting good at things.

Also. Mill Ave. Insanity. Might have to check that out later, just hang around and see what goes down. Head out to zia or to FYE and buy some music. Some classic rock.