Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5th

"I feel like the best songs are the ones that feel like the artist really had no choice but to write the song - it needed to be out of them. Obviously nobody wants to write ’filler’, and for me that means finding the right subject matter and treating each song as delicately as the next. If it bores you, don't write it. If you’re making a song to simply fill a hole in what you think is expected of you as an album-maker - don't write it. I wait until something feels important and I work on it with everything in me. Sometimes you can't think about time." aesop rock

It's important for me to lock myself up, and emerge with something in my hands saying 'I made this'.


taking the philosophy of another, apply it to your own life, write books like rap lyrics but hear it delivered right and in the correct tempo (tempe typo) sell it together beats and books. Novelists in the studio flowing over the Shakespearean Proust. The uptempo settings prior to the climax then a resolved and downtempo bitrate. Something to bob your head to as you head. Something with definite (yet hidden rhythm) something that is not evidence or forced like some poetry may seem. Like kerouac and jazz write a book in the mode of hip hop. Or it through the lens of something more aggressive. Jazz might be the only genre this is possible. Then I should become big into jazz.

nearly stop for illicit supplies but that overwhelming feeling of urgency but without need for anything to be rushed, I'd love the social intimacies to be quick and fast. Instantly friends lets hang out and it won't be strange that I tag along. Free tickets to a show. Request it off. (Should have advertised last week so they could request off time.) But all goes to shit.