Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 6th

Black light for sore eyes, hot tea for sore throat and one dose of full rest inspired by a small container of liquid. Hungry and insatiable, jumping the gun before a common transaction, we are hungry of the world desire to eat her crust. Into the teeth of the world. The edgy and humorous ordeal of a little person on set with the musicians. Deliberately intersecting with the lyrics. No one does that and therefore it would be very interesting and cool. Clever, yielding the facts, the organization of the lyrics and the full deepest intentions of the lyrics with crooning accuracy. Proceeding with verbal contingents. Discussing semantics on park benches carving expressive ideas into the dried wood. Old carvings of dead relationships became back drop to the luxurious view. The kid is grateful suddenly for the presence of intelligent parental figures. The influential back drops of both like baked clay hand prints, the miscellaneous decor of arts and crafts. We had a small blue table where I would dream up buildings and colorful architecture with full pieces with excellent precision. Constantly mapping out blueprints in my head and then executing with the physical solution of the idea. It all goes as planned or in the same general direction of what is ideal. We will work together to solve all future discrepancies. But for now, with hideous reasoning, a small kid is disallowed access to bank account. Funds drained behind his back but in huge debt with financial support. The family-run business manufacturing various kites for beach enjoyment. Of all colors with different thickness of string, different bright streamers begging for the envy of birds. Enjoy the color of your true feathers, your receding hairline and a fund without boundaries. Waiting for this all to burst open. The artery of the anxious world. We all feel that excitement and the pressure to succeed and to make this the best possible, outrageous, rage, glorious introduction into the outside world. Of music. Of stardom. Group sex in locker rooms behind strip malls, inside strip bars, key club members owning the majority of the stocks. We are all in this together, believer.

"a healthy lack for self-preservation"