Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14

The experience of flow.

1. intense and focused concentration on the present moment.
2. merging of action and awareness
3. a loss of reflective self-consciousness
4. a sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity
5. a distortion of temporal experience, a person's subjective experience of time is altered
6. experience of the activity is intrinsically rewarding, also referred to as autotelic experience

autotelic experience - the activity is its own reward

auto = self
telos = goal


It takes the heart of a lion with the ambition of 20 business women, climbing up through corporations for equal opportunity and god bless them for it, if you are there god. I am disgusted by my disregard for conventions and grammar. Every now and then. These days, this is the only writing practice I get. Rarely anything formal and with citations. This is it. This random floating. These random words in a potentially useless pattern being shot out into the void of internet with minimal activation.

We plug our heads directly into computers and feel electro-chemical pulses through our shocking wrists and the weird frustration remains. The range is higher than before with an openness rarely expected.

Write you fucker, and write well. Use conventional English and know the correct grammar for all necessary moments of intellectual communication.

Then again, this structure eliminates the mind's ability to explore uncharted terrain of thought, in a stream of conscious manner, through the fields of vision in my head, those orange flowers in vast gardens and the spiritual quest through positive skyscrapers and negative caves, the american dream is found in cambodia and we are not invited to succeed in such a manner... there I go again, losing the structure... and the words come out so much easier, no editor involved, but the conventions... at least a deeper understanding, would certainly help direct the course of thought into more eloquent and correct phrasing, however free-written. In short, with enough practice, my most insane nights of free writing might begin to consistently show a form... a constant voice... my voice... my developing voice. This applies to my physical voice as well. Listen to vocalists. Practice the structures. Develop confidence in the ability to grow at an exponential rate.

Learn the rules in order to know how to bend them. Grammar, vocal articulation, music theory, bass basics and others. Muscle memories in collusion with a vast network of classical knowledge. This is the key to better communication. I am a student of communication in one manner or another, but often I find myself at a loss for words depending on the company. The times I can truly find myself are not easy to figure. There is no constant trigger for the full-bodied voice I feel in my soul that screams to come out of me. To yell into the ears of the texting/drivers....... and then fall victim to the same sort of fucking adhd. but there are pills to take to win over the material I need to cover. I wouldn't dare though.