Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25

Flesh burned like branding cattle, the sun was not forgiving on our shielded flesh. There was no shade to extinguish the process of baking, of skin cells flaking off, muscles and tendons splitting and curling up in automatic reflex or severance, but the sky will not open up as skin cancer cells are born, we are in this alone more than disallowing verticle changes, your own fantastic reveries break through into mine and we are both left confused yet wired, eyes huge to embrace the impact of all surrounding features. We deserve every sense amplified and every poor voice drowned out by something pure and positive. Good riddance to the eternal cowboys, the men living in past existences forgetting the cycle of consciousness, the meteorites impacting time, like flies electrocuting themselves, exploding into atoms, we are simple and effective like these devices. We are moths to flame. The flame is existence but we have control over every step towards fire. Tied to this existence but perhaps born through the cyclical reappraisal... Fire up their hearts and fill them with hope because we are not locked into this struggle towards fire. There is water to fill our lungs in between.

Eye contact with something endearing and pretty. They are the approachable. The most attractive ones, profiling them with stoned countenance, sometimes forgetting the name of the mission. What's the score here? What's next? Jamming out to their favorite bands, close by, if you like this listen to this. My band. Good times on the shoreline plateau. Though your voice was barely audible over the cacophony, the snare drum echo off of the monster vert ramp, the microphone tricks and spin, throwing guitars straight into the air, having a greater time than thought possible...

the hectic weekend. drained after concert. late night sleep, early morning airport journey and into job training, from 5:30 to 1 pm. Having bought shoes with the money earned sitting in a classroom. If I was only paid by the state for my grades, my god! Slept for a few hours. Drank whiskey and ate barbeque, cracking multitude of inappropriate jokes, semi-delirious and even more obscured by drinks. Ended up walking home from the party, near midnight. Trying a new flavor black n mild. breaking my edge but it hurt my throat and gave me terrible breath for two days. It tasted like chocolate and I felt it was appropriate to inhale for full effect, under the stars as witnessed. I leaned against a fence in a quiet neighborhood, hiding from cars, paranoid they would tell on me.