Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23

As before, the tension is imagined. We are equally in charge. Our presence will not be misstated. We will blast our amps, aim directly into the ears of sleeping masses. Pull threads apart that tie these indistinguishable bodies from another. (Everything is a novelty. Everyone grows but me.)

There is a massive yet also very slight distinction between overwriting and the perfect story. The same could be said when a guitarist overstates the point that he is a great guitarist. The tasteful execution of insane technical riffs is okay in book. (Some sections obnoxious and I again appreciate all of the classic rock guitarists who use the influence of empty space, David Gilmour particularly. Jimmy Page is rather sloppy but emotive...)

Sometimes the ridiculous craftsmanship must be complimented and respected for what it is. As a musician. Incredibly open-minded. I will love anything you feed me.


Earl grey with a splash of milk. Neck sore from looking down. At various things. Papers and placements of things. Become an expert on theory. Memorize what notes are in each key and where they are everywhere on the fret board of a bass tuned a half step down (D#/Eb then G#/Ab then C#/Db and finally F#/Gb... the name relevant to specify the key. Certain keys based on a code require the note to be called sharp or flat simply for the consistency of having every letter of the scale represented in some manner even if double sharps and/or double sharps are required. In every key there must be a representative of A, B, C, D, E, F, and G... depending on the labeling of the prior note we sharp or flat the next note. There are all sorts of short cuts and mnemonic devices.)

Learn the short cuts and make flash cards with scale degrees or chords of what notes are contained in a given key signature. The ability to figure it out. (IN spare time. Find music theory work sheets to practice on.)

It is crucial if I ever wish to join the ranks of a high talent california band.

but now the shins. forward progress set into motion. looking at a dull buck knife. head tired and sleepy, lack of solid night sleep. strange feeling. pulled out of the system entirely.

the last and the final. built up for some climactic explosion as we are all let out but it all kind of peters out into a dull pile of ashes. could have been a wildfire with caps and gowns in the 100 degree heat. all ridiculous and swimming in sweat. but even more estranged then I although they have reached the end of their specific journey. hours a day commitment. enough time to be rewarded. lyrical content. shaping music through keys and chords and scale degrees.

learn. learn learn learn learn.

You will live in a box with all of your things in smaller boxes. you will have no where to sit aside from the ground. and you will rent out a house for a few months. meet people in coffee shops and outside of bars. the local school. spend time on the boardwalk. avoiding the gun down run down places. your worst nightmare is falling in love with some stranger. the appeal of the perfume is too strong to allow further development. hold hands and my modest living should be a nice diversion and a den for realistic and happy individuals. not the ones caught up in show business. the allure of spotlights shining and tanning beds, pollution. no recycle. money and greedy self-interest. (everyone is here to make it.)


Dream of angels who materialize out of morning mist and accept an imperfect body but a nicer attitude. The one from beneath the lake. The blonde hair and the stare. What makes me so hopeless? When thought of breaking buddhist belief. Sacred chamber of a bedroom. With nothing happening here other than drunken sobbing or musical practice. Art flame extinguished. Consequences are a greater lack of feelings of peace. Which is to say that I do not feel at peace. I have not much proved I was here. I have writing. But I have nearly no pictures. I have videos.

Take a bath and get high through an apple.