Friday, October 26, 2012

Oct 26

Extremely noticeable gust of wind, pulling down power lines with the assistence of gravity after pushing over from the object's fulcrum. I heard liberals to be called reality-biased intellectuals or some such jargon. Though a reality-bias? What a wonderful idea that someone with this mindset has the influence of a true existence pervading their thoughts and actions. But we still all hide our bodies under layers of nonsense. They are a simple covering. For the deaf individual a band is nothing more than their looks. For everyone else it should be sound first then look second. Any other way and that person must be caught up in a sick, reprehensible world of fashion that calls for the selling of the soul in order to achieve material goals and maintain a solid social status among the other fashionable elite. I constantly question why this matters. Women have it much worse, yes. "Never stray too far from center. Nothing offensive. No shorts." Puppet with drawstrings. A mirror broken in front of his eyes. A middle finger reflecting off most splintered surfaces.

The mindset was once one of rebellion. Of personal involvement to achieve a new momentum. A heart felt attempt to create something new and everlasting. The need to create and have an entire self tucked away in there. Now I am contaminated. I look at clothes. I hate myself in my old clothes. Then check back to reality. What the fuck man? Clothes are clothes are clothes are clothes are simple covering layers hiding away indecency and keeping the body warm come night. You are wearing fine clothes. The finest. Because you have them. They are random. Sporadic. Never thought out. Others relish the moment they find a hat to match the shoelaces. Used to call them out on that. But now I am one of them. Who cares about celebrities? The devils. An award show so mind blowing we are all left paralyzed. The conversation about attire required for the event. Wear whatever you fucking feel! All the other assholes who want you to conform to their design, in arrogance, should go get fucked. What makes you in a more expensive shirt better than me in any way whatsoever? (I can afford it, you say.) Money isn't everything, asshole. Money is something evil invented by us quite some time ago. Yes, America today revolves around it. Doesn't anyone ever question their motives anymore? Does any ever wonder if they have been corrupted?